
Higher Education

B.Sc.: 1987, Ben-Gurion University, Computer Science department.

M.Sc.: 1994, Ben-Gurion University, Computer Science department.

Ph.D.: 2004, Ben-Gurion University Kreitman School of Advanced Graduate Studies.

Offices in University Academic Administration

2004-2006: Projects’ Coordinator, the University of Haifa, Information Systems Department

2004-2006: Research Seminars Coordinator, the University of Haifa, Information Systems Department.

2011-2012: Head of undergraduate studies committee, the University of Haifa, Information Systems Department.

2011 – Current: Initiator and the Haifa head of the joint Ph.D. program between the University of Haifa and the University of Trento (Together with Prof Martin Golumbic from the University of Haifa, Prof Fausto Giunchiglia and Prof Oliviero Stock from Trento).

2012 – 2015: Head, Information Systems Department, the University of Haifa.

Scholarly Positions and Activities outside the University

Professional Functions outside Universities/Institutions

1976 – 1998: Military service (compulsory and career officer). During this period performed software development and software development management, software and systems engineering. The last position included management of five software development teams (total of over 20 software engineers), of real-time systems. Previous positions included management of software development teams, systems and software engineering, mainly for real-time systems in various domains.

Summer 1999: Software Quality Assurance Consultant at ISP-Focus ltd.

1999 – 2000: Software Testing Instructor, “TACT” Software Testing co.

2000 Personalization Consultant at Know-Net ltd.

2000 – 2003: Technical Manager, “Israeli Software Reuse Industrial Consortium”, at ILTAM (Israeli Users’ Association of Advanced Technologies for Design and Manufacturing in the Electronics Industry). A government supported project, for study and implementation of software reuse practices in the Israeli software development industry. Participating companies were ECI Telecom, Elisra, Creo, Israeli Aircraft Industry, Nice, Orbotech, Rafael, Tadiran Electronic Systems.

2003 – 2004: ILTAM – Israeli Software Reuse Forum Coordinator.

2004 – 2007: Coordinator of the “PIL” project part of the collaboration of ITC/irst and the University of Haifa. As part of this project a museum visitors’ guide system for the Hecht museum at the university of Haifa has been developed, based on knowledge transferred from ITC/irst and extended with local research results of ubiquitous user modeling, context aware services delivery in active museum and evaluation of the contribution of multimedia to the museum visit (for both interface design and content).

2005 – 2007: ILTAM – Israeli CMMI Interest Group Coordinator.

2007 – 2011: PI and Coordinator of the design and development of an intelligent mobile museum visitor’s guide system in the framework of the “FIRB” project, as part of the collaboration of ITC/irst and the University of Haifa. As part of this project a museum visitors’ guide system for the Hecht museum at the university of Haifa is enhanced, based on knowledge gained at the “PIL” project extended with local research results of ubiquitous user (individual and group) modeling, and context aware services delivery in active museum.

2008 – 2009: ILTAM –Data Mining Interest Group Coordinator.

2008 – 2009: ILTAM –Software Development Process Improvement Group Coordinator.

2014 – current: SIGCHI – IUI steering committee voting member.

2015 – current: Chair of the Tel Aviv ACM SIGCHI Chapter (IsraHCI).

Editorial Board Memberships

International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences.

International Journal of Principles and Applications in Information Science and Technology (PAIST).

User Modeling and User Adapted Interaction (UMUAI).

Reviewer for Journals

2004 Journal of the American Association for Information Science and Technology

2006 Knowledge and Information Systems, User Modeling and User Adapted Interaction (UMUAI)

2007 ACM Transactions on Information Systems, Journal of the American Association for Information Science and Technology, UMUAI, Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce

2008 IEEE Intelligent Systems, User Modeling and User Adapted Interaction, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics–Part C: Applications and Reviews

2009 IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics–Part C: Applications and Reviews, Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce , ACM Transactions on the Web,International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics–Part A: Systems and Humans

2010 IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics–Part A: Systems and Humans, UMUAI, Communications of the ACM, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture.

2011 Communications of the ACM, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, UMUAI.

2012 ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems, Interacting with Computers, UMUAI, Journal of Web semantics, Information and Management.

2013 UMUAI.

2014 UMUAI, Journal of Computers and Cultural Heritage, Journal of Web Engineering.

2015 UMUAI, Journal of Web Engineering.

Membership in Professional/Scientific Societies

1998 – Current: ACM.

1998 – Current: IEEE and IEEE Computer Society.

2001 – 2002: INCOSE and INCOSE IL.

2001 – Current: ACM SIGIR.

2005 – Current Israeli CHI.

2005 – Current Israeli AI.

2007 – 2008: AIS.

2012 – Current ACM Senior member.

2012 – Current IEEE Senior member.

2013 – Current ACM Distinguished Scientist (among top 10% ACM members).